How Much Does Neon Sign Cost? A Comprehensive Pricing Guide

How Much Does Neon Sign Cost? A Comprehensive Pricing Guide

You want to add a touch of neon brilliance to your space but wondering, How much does a neon sign cost? This comprehensive guide illuminates the factors influencing neon sign pricing, from size and design complexity to materials and customization options. We’ll explore the cost differences between traditional glass neon and LED neon, provide tips for budgeting your neon sign project, and help you navigate the world of neon sign pricing with confidence.

How Much Does Neon Sign Cost?
How Much Does Neon Sign Cost?

How much does neon sign cost? Average price ranges.

The cost of a neon sign can vary significantly depending on several factors, making it difficult to pinpoint an exact average. However, to give you a general idea, custom neon signs typically range from $200 to $1,000+. This price range is influenced by elements such as:

Size and complexity of the design: Larger signs with intricate details or multiple colors will naturally cost more than smaller, simpler ones.

Type of neon: Traditional glass neon tubes tend to be pricier than LED neon flex, which is a more affordable and durable alternative.

Backing material: Options like acrylic, metal, or wood each come with different price points.

Additional features: Features like dimmer switches, remote controls, or animation effects can add to the overall cost.

Now let’s delve into the details of the factors that affect the cost of neon signs.

How much does neon sign cost? Average price ranges.
How much does neon sign cost? Average price range.

What are the factors that affect the cost of a neon sign?

Type of Neon

Traditional Glass Neon: This classic option involves handcrafted glass tubes filled with neon or other noble gases. The process demands skilled craftsmanship and meticulous attention to detail, resulting in a higher price point. However, glass neon offers a unique aesthetic with its warm, vibrant glow and the ability to create intricate designs.

LED Neon Flex: A more modern and budget-friendly alternative, LED neon flex utilizes flexible PVC tubing embedded with LED lights. It replicates the look of glass neon while offering advantages such as durability, energy efficiency, and lower cost. LED neon flex is an excellent choice for simpler designs and larger signs where cost is a significant factor.

Size and Complexity

The size of a neon sign directly impacts the amount of materials and labor required, thus affecting the overall cost. Larger signs naturally demand more resources, leading to a higher price tag.

Complexity plays a crucial role as well. Designs with intricate details, multiple lines, layered elements, or custom fonts require additional time and effort to create, contributing to increased costs. Simpler designs with clean lines and minimal elements tend to be more budget-friendly.

Color and Backing Options

Color: While standard colors like red, blue, and green are generally readily available, opting for less common or custom colors may incur additional costs due to the specialized gases or coatings needed.

Backing: The choice of backing material can also influence the price. Acrylic is a popular and affordable option, while metal or wood backings offer a more premium look and feel but come at a higher price point. The size and shape of the backing also play a role, as custom shapes may require additional fabrication.

What are the factors that affect the cost of a neon sign?
What are the factors that affect the cost of a neon sign?

Customization and Design

The level of customization significantly impacts the final cost. Signs incorporating logos, specific fonts, or unique illustrations often require additional design work and collaboration with graphic designers or artists, leading to higher prices.

The complexity of the design also plays a part. Highly intricate designs with multiple elements or gradients demand more time and effort to translate into a neon format, increasing the overall cost.

Production and Manufacturing

Production Techniques: The manufacturing process can vary depending on the type of neon and the complexity of the design. Hand-blown glass neon involves skilled labor and meticulous attention to detail, resulting in higher production costs compared to LED neon flex, which often involves automated processes.

Manufacturer Choice: Selecting a reputable and experienced neon sign manufacturer is crucial for ensuring quality and longevity. While established manufacturers may have higher prices, their expertise and craftsmanship justify the investment. Opting for cheaper alternatives could compromise on quality and potentially lead to issues down the line.

While the factors mentioned above primarily influence the base price of a neon sign, there are additional cost considerations to keep in mind to ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of the total investment involved. Let’s explore further in the following section!

Customization and Design
Customization and Design

What other expenses should I consider when budgeting?


While some smaller or simpler neon signs might be manageable to install yourself, larger or more complex designs often require professional installation to ensure safety and proper functionality. This is particularly true for signs that need to be securely mounted on walls, suspended from ceilings, or integrated into existing structures. Professional installers possess the expertise and equipment necessary to handle wiring, secure mounting, and any necessary permits or inspections, providing peace of mind and a seamless setup.


The size, fragility, and weight of neon signs can make shipping a significant cost factor. Delicate glass tubes or large acrylic backings require careful packaging and handling to prevent damage during transit. Factors like the distance between the manufacturer and your location, the chosen shipping method (ground, air, or freight), and the need for insurance all contribute to the final shipping cost. It’s crucial to discuss shipping options and obtain clear estimates from the sign maker before finalizing your purchase. 

Power Supply and Accessories
Power Supply and Accessories

Neon signs require a compatible power supply to convert standard electrical current into the voltage needed for illumination. The type and capacity of the power supply will depend on the size and specifications of your sign. Additionally, accessories like dimmer switches offer greater control over brightness, while remote controls provide convenient operation. Hanging kits, mounting hardware, and other specialized accessories can further enhance the functionality and presentation of your neon sign, but they may come at an additional cost.

Maintenance and Repairs

While both traditional glass neon and LED neon flex are known for their durability, occasional maintenance or repairs might be necessary to ensure the longevity and brilliance of your sign. Glass neon tubes, for instance, may require repairs if they become damaged or experience gas leaks. LED neon flex, though generally more robust, could experience issues with the LED strips or power supply over time. Having a basic understanding of potential maintenance needs and associated costs can help you plan for the long-term care of your neon sign.

Understanding the potential costs associated with neon signs empowers you to make informed decisions and plan your budget effectively. While the allure of a custom-designed, elaborate neon masterpiece is undeniable, it’s essential to balance your aspirations with practical considerations. The good news is that several strategies can help you achieve the perfect neon sign for your space without breaking the bank.

How can I save money and create a budget?

By exploring alternative options and making strategic choices, you can illuminate your vision while keeping costs in check.

Consider LED Neon

While traditional glass neon tubes exude a certain nostalgic charm, LED neon flex offers a compelling alternative that can significantly reduce costs. LED neon replicates the vibrant glow of glass neon while boasting greater energy efficiency, durability, and affordability. It’s also more flexible and easier to install, potentially saving on installation costs. If you’re budget-conscious but still desire the captivating allure of neon, LED neon flex is an excellent option to explore.

Choose Standard Colors

The array of colors available for neon signs is truly dazzling, but opting for standard colors can often lead to cost savings. Specialized colors or custom color blends may require additional materials or processes, increasing the overall price. By selecting from the range of readily available standard colors, you can still achieve a stunning visual impact while keeping your budget in check.

How can I save money and create a budget?
How can I save money and create a budget?

Simplify the Design

Intricate designs with multiple lines, layers, or complex details undoubtedly create a captivating visual spectacle, but they also contribute to higher costs due to increased materials and labor. Opting for a simpler design with clean lines and a focus on essential elements can be a strategic way to achieve an elegant and impactful neon sign without exceeding your budget. Remember, sometimes less is more, and a well-executed simple design can be just as striking as a more elaborate one.

Compare Quotes from Multiple Suppliers

Before making a final decision, it’s wise to compare quotes from multiple neon sign suppliers. This allows you to assess the range of prices and options available, ensuring you get the best value for your investment. When comparing quotes, pay attention to factors like the type of neon used, the materials, the complexity of the design, and any additional fees or services included. By doing your research and carefully evaluating your options, you can find a reputable supplier that meets your needs and budget.

Where can you find high-quality neon signs at affordable prices?

If you’re seeking a source for stunning, high-quality neon signs that won’t break the bank, look no further than CraftNameSign. We specialize in crafting captivating neon creations that illuminate spaces and inspire creativity, all while offering competitive prices and exceptional customer service.

At CraftNameSign, we understand that a neon sign is more than just an illuminated object; it’s a statement piece, a conversation starter, and a reflection of your unique style. That’s why we offer a wide range of options to suit every taste and budget. Whether you’re drawn to the classic allure of traditional glass neon or the modern versatility of LED neon flex, we have the perfect solution to bring your vision to life.

When you choose CraftNameSign, you’re choosing more than just a neon sign; you’re choosing a partner dedicated to illuminating your world with creativity, affordability, and exceptional service.

Where can you find high-quality neon signs at affordable prices?
Where can you find high-quality neon signs at affordable prices?


While the cost of a neon sign can vary based on several factors, understanding these influences empowers you to make informed decisions and discover options that align with your budget and vision. Whether you opt for the timeless allure of glass neon or the modern versatility of LED neon, a well-chosen neon sign can be a lasting source of enjoyment and a radiant reflection of your unique style. So, explore the possibilities, embrace the glow, and let your neon light shine!


How long do neon signs typically last?

The lifespan of a neon sign depends on the type of neon used and the quality of craftsmanship. Traditional glass neon signs can last for 10-15 years or even longer with proper care and maintenance. LED neon signs, known for their durability, can last even longer, often exceeding 20 years of continuous illumination.

Can I install a neon sign myself, or do I need a professional?

The cost of installing a neon sign varies based on its complexity and size. Smaller, simpler signs can be DIY projects if you have basic skills and are comfortable working with electrical components. However, larger or more intricate signs, especially those requiring wall-mounting or hanging, are best handled by professional installers to ensure safe installation and prevent any potential damage.

What is the difference between glass neon and LED neon signs?

Traditional glass neon signs are made using hand-blown glass tubes filled with neon or other noble gases that illuminate when an electrical current passes through them. They offer a classic, nostalgic aesthetic with a warm, vibrant glow. LED neon signs utilize flexible LED strips encased in PVC tubing to mimic the look of glass neon. They are more energy-efficient, durable, and often more affordable than glass neon. LED neon also offers greater flexibility in terms of design and color options.

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