Copyright law protects the expression of original ideas captured in tangible forms, such as visual art (e.g., photographs or paintings) and literary works (e.g., poems or narratives).

Trademark law safeguards the use of words, symbols, designs, or logos that distinguish and identify the source of products.

Publicity rights protect an individual’s identity, including their name, likeness, and image. Essentially, this means that you cannot use someone else’s identity for commercial gain without their consent.

If you believe that your rights have been infringed upon, please notify us via our designated email address: [email protected], by sending a Notice and Takedown Report containing the following essential details:

  • A hyperlink to the content that violates your rights.
  • Evidence of your original work (such as a webpage or relevant documentation).
  • Your full name and contact number.
  • Please title the email: TAKEDOWN REPORT.